About Us

6 Decades of PIM

Pakistan Institute of Management (PIM) is the pioneer of executive development in Pakistan and specializes in the training and development of managers from business and industry. Its primary mission is to serve the growing and complex needs of organizational managers through training, consultancy and research. Since PIM’s inception in 1954, more than 250,000 managers have participated in its courses. PIM provides management training and development in the following areas:

General Management

Operations Management

Project Management

Human Resource Management

Quality Management

Financial Management

Security & Risk Management

Marketing Management

First Line Supervision

Information technology

World Class Competitiveness

Personal Effectiveness


Languages (Chinese, English, Arabic)

We design and run management development programs specially tailored to meet the needs of  individual companies. Specially designed courses can be conducted either at PIM or at a location chosen by the client. Contact us for further details.

Strategic Plan Development & Implementation

Organization Development

Marketing Management & Research

Financial Management & Restructuring

Human Resource Management & Systems Development

Production Operations Management

Quality Systems & Supply Chain Management

Information System Auditing & Security